Mobile Housing Lease Contract Reporting

    Mobile Housing Lease Contract Reporting Now Possible

    1. Introduction

    From July 31st, housing lease contracts in Daejeon Metropolitan City and Sejong Special Self-Governing City can be reported via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has made improvements to report housing lease contracts via mobile devices and will start a pilot operation in Daejeon and Sejong from July 31st. The plan is to gradually expand this service nationwide within the year.

    2. Benefits and Future Plans

    The new system will improve user convenience

    Previously, when reporting a housing lease contract, it was only possible to visit the community center or online (PC). From now on, landlords and tenants can report directly via mobile at the place where they have signed the rental contract, such as brokerage offices. Through the pilot operation, the demand for mobile services and system safety will be predicted, and functions will be improved to minimize errors when implemented nationwide.

    3. How to Use

    Anyone who wants to use this service can enter ‘Housing Lease Contract Report’ in the browser built into the smartphone and connect through simple authentication. The service will be provided in a web (URL) format. Initially, only the reporting function will be provided, and the correction, change, and cancellation functions will be available from October 1st. The app (App) method and joint certificate will be provided from December 2nd through additional development.

    4. User Guide

    Here is a step by step guide on how to use the mobile Housing Lease Contract Reporting feature. For more information, please refer to the images attached below.

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