Summer Safety Guidelines

    Summer Safety Guidelines for Fun and Safe Activities

    As the weather heats up, many people flock to places to cool down. However, unfamiliar places with large crowds can often lead to accidents due to minor carelessness. Here are some safety guidelines to ensure a safe and cool summer!

    Water Festival Safety

    At water festivals, various performances stimulate the senses, and as the crowd gathers, cooperation from the audience is needed for safety. Here are some guidelines to follow:

    • Move slowly without running when entering and exiting.
    • Maintain a proper distance from people around you, especially when there are no designated seats or when standing to watch a performance.
    • Follow the instructions and guidance of the festival administrators.
    • Before the show starts, familiarize yourself with the locations of emergency exits, evacuation routes, fire extinguishers.
    • Check the medical support location, general information desk location, and toilet usage guidelines.

    *For more details, please refer to the Performance Safety Audience Behavior Guidelines by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

    Valley Safety

    Valleys often have deep areas and strong currents, requiring caution. Here are some safety tips:

    • Check the water temperature in advance and enter slowly. Diving is not recommended.
    • If the water in the valley is cloudy or the bottom is not visible, it is advisable not to enter the water.
    • Check the depth and flow rate with long branches and leaves.
    • Check the water play areas in national parks through the official website, and fines may be imposed for illegal entry.

    Beach Safety

    Beaches, one of the most popular summer destinations, often experience accidents due to carelessness. Here are some safety tips:

    • Check the weather conditions before visiting.
    • Be careful of sea creatures like jellyfish as there can be safety accidents due to them depending on the marine environment.
    • If you see a rogue wave, do not enter the water.
    • Know the tide and ebb tide times in advance.
    • If children are playing in the water, they should do so with a guardian.
    • If swept away by a wave, let your body float naturally and hold your breath deeply.

    By following these safety guidelines, you can have a cool and safe summer vacation leaving wonderful memories!

    출처 : 정책브리핑 이정운

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